Introducing Feed the Need’s First Online/Mobile Auction!

Home / Feed The Need / Introducing Feed the Need’s First Online/Mobile Auction!

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This year, we’re excited to introduce electronic bidding for our silent auction!

You have to register for a BiddingForGood account in order to bid in the auction online and at the event. Get pre-registered now to view items! Visit the bidding site and click “Register” (Register to Bid) at top of the page. You can also purchase tickets on this mobile site, too!

We are now accepting bids for a number of unique and exciting auction items to raise money to benefit the programs of the Christian Service Center for Central Florida, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit. The more items that sell, the more money you’ll help us raise for hungry children and families struggling with poverty and homelessness. Won’t you join us?

Share this with your family & friends. They can still bid in the auction and win items even if they don’t attend Feed the Need in person on Oct. 4.